Wednesday, April 3, 2019

We Are Free Men!

Today saw a gathering of 10 wargamers of various sorts gathered from Halifax, the South Shore and the Valley for a day of companiable conversation, die rolling, and the slaughter of toy soldiers and cardboard counters.
Gary's Romans to the left, Jeff's Celts to the right.

At our table Jeff and Brent from the Greenwood Wargamers, Paul, Les and I of the venerable Atlantic Simulation Society founded back in the late 70's, and Gary, another veteran gamer who like the rest appears in his share of my blog posts, played a miniatures version of Epic C&C Ancients.

The scenario was inspired by the last battle of Boudicca's Revolt and I must say that we freedom loving Britons gave the Romans a tough fight. We held the Romans at bay and gave as good as we got to the last turn at which point their gods came to their aid and suddenly we died bravely in droves.

I'm looking forward to this becoming a regular monthly event. (Apart from the dying bit.)

Thomas Johnson Heads Both The Senior And High School Rankings For The HearthStone Esports Title.

Thomas Johnson (Northcliff High School) heads both the senior and high school rankings for the HearthStone esports title.
With MSSA's Western Cape Championships going to be held at Curro Durbanville on 23 March 2019, MSSA is releasing all the rankings that shall be used at such provincial championships.

It is no surprise that with Thomas Johnson's stellar performance at MSSA's recent Gauteng Championships that he dominates both the senior and high school rankings.

The current rankings for the HearthStone esports title for High Schools is as follows:

PosName of PlayeryearClubPoints
1Thomas Johnson19Northcliff High School143.3
2Mark Thomas19Northcliff High School111.1
3Orlando Crossling19Northcliff High School110.6
4Cyrus Huang19Northcliff High School110
5Grey Craven19Curro Aurora109.1
6Matthias Dhont18Paul Roos Gimnasium108.8
7Geoffrey Tarbuck18Grey High School108.8
8Jason Mostert18Grey High School108.8
9Junior Moor18Empangeni High School108.8
10Cleveland Crossling18Northcliff High School108.8
11Reagan Marthinus18Paul Roos Gimnasium108.8
12Janke Janse van Vuuren18Paul Roos Gimnasium108.8
13Aaron Mulligan17Maritzburg College104.5
14Kelvin Yang17Northcliff High School104.5
15Alexander Westley17Maritzburg College104.5
16Ethan Bulford18Northcliff High School103.5
17Dylan Hanger17Northcliff High School104
18Kyle Voster19Curro Aurora95
19Lloyd Little17Maritzburg College90.3
20Kit Rawlings17Northcliff High School90.3
21Kevin Plint18Northcliff High School85.8

Rankings produced by MSSA are as follows:
Also read:

Monday, April 1, 2019

D-E-D Dead!

What's going on everyone!?

Today for the #2019gameaday challenge I played a game of Colt Express on the mobile app.  It was a great game but I'm a little biased about the game, lol!

I didn't end up winning but I felt a bit rusty with the game. I can't wait to play it again and trying to win!

As always, thank you for reading and don't forget to stop and smell the meeples! :)
